Intern Site Requirements

Any site applying to be an intern training site must meet the requirements set by the Pharmacy Council and the Pharmaceutical Society. These include all of the following:

  • Have been operating for a minimum period of 12 months.
  • Have a license (or equivalent) to operate as a pharmacy under the Medicines Act, free of any further conditions imposed by the licensing authority (this does not include the two conditions normally placed on all pharmacy licenses).
  • If conditions are placed on a license by Medicines Control, the Pharmacy Council reserves the right to review their suitability.
  • Must meet the requirements of the Pharmacy Quality Audit or equivalent, as required by Medicines Control of the Ministry of Health (community pharmacies only). Pharmacies with outstanding audit requirements will be assessed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Professional Standards Advisor.
  • Hold the current recommended resources (be they paper, computer disk or online resources) required to meet the Quality in Pharmacy Standards.
  • Have a contract with the Ministry of Health to dispense medicines under the Pharmaceutical Schedule, or a contract with their DHB or equivalent for hospital pharmacies.
  • Comply with the requirements of the Pharmacy Services Standard Version NZS8134.7:2010.
  • Have a comprehensive range of pharmacy services and products.
  • Have adequate resources, including staff, physical resources and information resources, to support the training of an intern pharmacist.
  • Have active involvement in consultation with other health professionals.
  • Have access to patients or the public that allow direct patient care practice.
  • Have involvement in health promotion through community and service organisations.
  • Have internal training programmes in place for staff and encourage participation in external training courses.
  • An individual approved preceptor may supervise and assess a maximum of two intern pharmacists in the workplace.

If you are a Split-Site or Non-Traditional site interested in employing an Intern Pharmacist please contact a member of the PSNZ Intern Training Programme team.

To become an approved site, click on the form below:

To check if your site is currently an approved intern site, click on the form below:

Information for Employers and Sites >

Employer Obligations >