Pharmacy Quarterly to launch

The Society is launching a new online publication for the public and health professionals.

Society CEO Helen Morgan Banda says the drive to create an open-access publication for everyone working in pharmacy, and elsewhere in health and the wider community, is to enable them to access high-quality information about what’s happening in the pharmacy world in New Zealand.

“This new online publication is about making sure the public know the value of the work of pharmacists.

“With the changes to recertification not all pharmacists, or other members of the pharmacy team, can access all the information we share with members.

“One of the benefits of starting this new publication is it ensures that non-members and the other groups I have mentioned can access up-to-date information about what is happening in their industry.

“Knowledge is power. We do want a broader audience to understand what work is being done through PSNZ’s advocacy arm and education team. We also want people to know what is going to happen to the pharmacist workforce in their area.

“A free to access publication is the best way to achieve this.”

It will be published four times a year.

The first edition will be launched towards the end of May. 

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