Speech ignites passion for primary care

The value of pharmacy teams was the subject of vice president Brooke McKay’s speech to medical students and future doctors last week.

Brooke spoke to conference delegates at Parliament about the changing nature of primary health care.

The talk focussed on how interdisciplinary teams could improve health promotion and provide accessible and equitable care to communities.

“It was a great opportunity to showcase how pharmacy has stepped up and how the scope of pharmacy has changed recently.”

Brooke said the conference had great high profile speakers and was a great opportunity to network and engage with the nation’s next generation of doctors.

“It helped to ignite the passion for primary care.”

The subjects talked on at the conference will hopefully help encourage teamwork and collaboration which can only mean greater health outcomes for the public, Brooke believed.

“At the very least, people will have walked away with a greater sense of the challenges other health professionals across the workforce face.”