Matariki celebrations

Pharmacies around Aotearoa New Zealand are gearing up for holiday traffic as the country prepares to celebrate Matariki, the Māori New Year.

Like many of you, our staff and National Executive Committee members will either be working through the break or taking much needed time off to mark the occasion.

If you are looking for ways to mark Matariki this year, please visit the Matariki website and access the resources available there. Matariki : Guide to Māori New Year Traditions in New Zealand

(alphabetical order by last name)

Sandy Bhawan – acting vice president

For me and my whānau it will be a weekend of rest and quality time spent with each other. I love the outdoors so I will be doing a few walks locally and with my new (albeit amateur ) interest in photography I’m looking forward to capturing the natural beauty around! Wishing our pharmacy community and their whānau a wonderful weekend marking Matariki!

Samantha Burgess – co-opted member

As a mum of two girls we are spending Matariki at their schools celebrating with food and whanau . We will then spend time with family celebrating our country and our local community.

Michael Hammond - president

This year, my plans for Matariki involve spending quality time with my family, I'll be attending a family birthday party for my goddaughter and sister-in-law. This long weekend is a welcome opportunity to reset and refresh, allowing me to recharge and return to work with renewed focus and energy.

Brooke McKay – vice president

The pharmacy is open to support our community and extended whānau. I will be home this year with my whānau celebrating the safe arrival of our pepi baby Ivy and remembering those we have lost. We will reset and plan our goals for the year ahead and reflect on the year we have had. I want to extend my well wishes to all our pharmacy community - mānawatia a matariki.

Callum Porter

This Matariki I will be spending the weekend observing it from overseas. I am travelling across Europe for the next 8 weeks but will first be spending time in Croatia so that's where I'll be for Matariki. Matariki is a special time of year for many people in our communities and it's important to observe and appreciate time no matter where you find yourself.

Bronwen Shepherd – treasurer

As a weekend Conservation Ranger at Zealandia Eco-Sanctuary and Te Ahumairangi Ecological Restoration, come rain or shine, I will spend most of Matariki in our beautiful local regenerating forests.

For those working in restoration projects, the time around Matariki signals an important window of opportunity. Although a Wellington takurua is typically dark dank and wet, it's by far the best time of year to get out and plant native trees and shrubs due to increased moisture in the soil and the establishment of roots for the spring growth (and easier digging!). It's also a good time of year to check our trapping networks are in tip-top order, so to prepare for breeding season for our local Kākā, Kākāriki and other amazing avian taonga we are so lucky to have in our local forests.

Amanda Stanfield

My Matariki weekend will largely revolve around catching up with whanau and friends, and I am sure this will involve the preparation and consumption of lots of food. I am also hoping to find time to recharge with some relaxing alone time, which will be a walk around the Porirua inlet or a bush walk up Mt Rangituhi and spending as much time as I can with my sewing machine and a good audiobook. Happy Matariki to all those in Pharmacy community!

Lanny Wong

In the spirit of Matariki, our pharmacy will close on the 28th to allow our team to celebrate Matariki with loved ones. Although we haven't planned specific activities within our premises, we are thrilled to contribute to the vibrant local celebrations. Our pharmacy has donated goods and prizes to Matariki community events, including the enchanting Kaiwaka Lantern Festival. These festivities underscore the communal spirit and shared joys that Matariki evokes.

Inspired to embrace the traditions of Matariki more fully, I am challenging my staff with a fun and educational activity—they will refresh their knowledge of the names of all nine stars of Matariki. To make things interesting, I've promised to treat everyone to coffee if they can remember all nine! And just to add a little extra flair, we might even learn the Matariki Macarena song and dance.

This time of year is a powerful reminder of the importance of community and cultural heritage. As we look to the stars, we are reminded of the cycles of life and the continuous thread that connects us all.